#1 New Release
in Business Consolidations and Mergers on Amazon
From the Author

Structuring the sale properly to pay less tax

Rick J. Krebs, CPA - Author
My Story
In a very real sense I've been working on this book for over 27 years as a CPA, Entrepreneur, and Mergers and Acquisitions Advisor.
I wanted to write a book, the origins of which didn't come from acadamia, but one from the trenches and school of hard knocks. The examples used detail successes and failures. You learn the most from failures.
I have packed into the 199 pages real-life experiences to help you maneuver the largest financial transaction of your life. This book is for the savvy business owner who wants to maximize the cash in his or her pocket with an optimal selling price and preemptive tax-saving strategy. The business owner who will take care of the employees who have been loyal for many years. The business owner who wants to look back with pride after the sale and say, "I built that, and now it belongs to someone else who will continue my legacy".
I have been advising clients since 1993 as a M&A advisor, CPA, and tax reduction strategist. I am a principal at Business Sales Group and MyBizValue. I reside in Utah and am a happy husband, and father of four. My hobbies include, at times, life-threatening outdoor activities and adventures.
Check out my podcast.
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What's inside the 199 pages
Table of Contents
SECTION 1: How Do I Prepare to Sell My Business?
Chapter 1: 10 Questions Every Business Seller Needs Answered
Chapter 2: The Ugly: What They Don’t Tell You
Chapter 3: 4 Common Mistakes Made by Sellers
Chapter 4: How to Prepare for Selling a Business after or during Economic Downturns
Chapter 5: The 7 Deadly Sins of Cash-Basis Accounting
Chapter 6: Important Acronyms and Buzzwords
SECTION 2: The Process of Selling a Business
Chapter 7: 14 Steps to Selling Your Business
Chapter 8: Launching Your Business for Sale, Not Listing Your Business for Sale
Chapter 9: What You Need to Know about Due Diligence Requests
Chapter 10: How to Prepare for a Site Tour with a Potential Buyer
Chapter 11: Types of Buyers You Will Encounter while Selling Your Business
Chapter 12: You Have a Letter of Intent. Now What?
Chapter 13: Golden Nuggets of Wisdom for Unique Transactions and Businesses
Chapter 14: Guidelines for a Successful Transition
Table of Contents
SECTION 3: Sales Structure Types and Compensation
Chapter 15: 3 Sales Structure Types
Chapter 16: When Is an Asset Sale Better Than a Stock Sale for a Seller?
Chapter 17: 8 Common Types of Seller Compensation
SECTION 4: What Increases the Value of My Business before I Sell?
Chapter 18: Top 8 Value Drivers of Business
Chapter 19: What You Need to Know about Accounting
Chapter 20: It’s All about Risk
SECTION 5: Taxes and How to Minimize
Chapter 21: Structuring a Sale to Minimize Your Taxes
SECTION 6: Managing and Choosing Your Advisory Team
Chapter 22: Legal Stage of the Transaction: Attorneys and Fences
Chapter 23: Choosing Your Advisory Team
Letter of Intent to Purchase
Sample Standard Nondisclosure Agreement
Sample Due Diligence Checklist